If you are a Lady Gaga fan, you might be able to find everything you would ever need to know about her. Pictures, Anti-Bullying slogans, fashion, and fans. Very dedicated fans! So if you are looking for some sense of belonging, this might be the site for you.
In all honesty, it really seems creepy that so many people are actually on the site. There seems to be so much more to do in the world than get hooked on one individual person.
So many questions about this website, like could this actually be the fan-page of the future? Are people on this site crazy? How long could a site like this be interesting? The list goes on and on.
If you are fan or just curious to see what the hell Little Monsters is about, follow the link below. You will have to sign up and wait for an account like Pinterest.
If you have any comment or insight to Little Monsters please post below.
If you have any comment or insight to Little Monsters please post below.